Selective Executive Search HK Limited  
Welcome to Selective Executive Search

Selective Executive Search H.K. Limited is recruitment and executive search firm specialized in hospitality. We combine industry knowledge with in-depth understanding of the Greater China hospitality market to identify the right candidates for our client.

Our key markets are China, HongKong and other parts within the APAC region. Where have made successful placements for various luxury international 5 star hotels.

Our clients are mainly top brand International Five Star Hotels. We take time to understand your business goals, company culture, and specific job requirements so that we can present exactly the kind of candidate you need. Our client relationships are enforced by trust, discretion and confidentiality. Our Consultants are dedicated to streamlining the search process in a timely manner using a extensive database and our industry contacts. No costs would be incurred by yourself unless a successful placement is made.

If you are looking for move in hotel management, or you are an employer looking for the right talents, then we are the people to talk to. Please explore our web site to find out more about our value, our process, our expertise and what we can offer to you. We can be reached at:

精聘商务咨询有限公司是一家专注于酒店业的人事顾问公司。我们主要服务于亚太地区的奢华国际五星品牌酒店。我们以专业的知识,勤奋的工作态度, 使我们在行业里处于遥遥领先的地位。我们的候选人库覆盖整个亚太区,同时70%的国际品牌酒店都是我们的客户。
对于客户, 选择我们, 意味着选则了更优质的人才库
对于员工, 选择我们, 意味着选择了更精彩的人生
对于候选人, 选择我们, 意味着选择了更多更好的机会

联 系 人:Melody Li
电  话:021-61712650
地  址:中国上海浦东陆家嘴花园石桥路66号东亚银行金融大厦15楼1559-1560室

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