
欢迎光临神州半岛喜来登度假酒店。 这里将是您领略海南岛迷人风情的理想居所。 酒店地处万宁市东南部,坐落于美丽的神州半岛之上,是一处拥有 8 公里白色沙滩和迷人海湾的热带天堂,您可在此选择丰富多样的娱乐活动 — 高尔夫、钓鱼以及各种水上运动。
我们的 307 间客房宽敞舒适、温馨宜人。 所有客房均提供细致周到、亲切熟悉的喜来登式服务,其中包括我们的特色喜来登甜梦之床(Sweet Sleeper (SM))和高速上网。 您可在我们的全天候餐厅和中餐厅欢聚一堂、共享盛宴! 或邀约三五好友,来到我们的趣味酒吧中观看精彩纷呈的娱乐表演。 还可在波光粼粼的泳池中尽享清凉,或在舒适惬意的水疗中心彻底放松,该中心服务结合了一系列按摩技法和全身护理疗法,并专门针对您的个人需求而量身定制。
与 您的心上人共同分享美好回忆,在我们独具特色的婚礼教堂和曼妙动人的氛围中,以一场梦幻般的承诺仪式共同开启人生殿堂的又一扇大门。 我们提供总面积超过 1,100 平米的 8 间室内会议室及多功能厅,并拥有风景如画的室外场地,是您举办招待会、会议或晚宴社交派对的理想之选。
Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort

Welcome to Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort. We provide the perfect home base for exploring all that Hainan Island has to offer. Our beachfront location is to the southeast of Wanning City on the beautiful Shenzhou Peninsula, a tropical paradise boasting 8 km of white sandy beaches and beautiful coves, with an abundance of recreation options—including golf, fishing and water sports.

Our 307 guest rooms are welcoming and spacious. All provide the thoughtful and familiar Sheraton touches, including our signature Sheraton Sweet Sleeper (SM) Bed and High Speed Internet Access. Bring everyone together for good food and conversation at our All Day Dining and Chinese restaurants or gather at our fun pub and enjoy the entertainment. Cool off in our sparkling pool and relax with a treatment in our pampering spa, combining a range of massage styles and body treatments that will be tailored to your needs.

Share happy memories with that special someone and start your life together in our inspirational surroundings with a ceremony in our own unique wedding chapel. For receptions, meetings, conferences or gala social parties, we offer over 1,100 square meters and 8 rooms of indoor meeting and function space as well as idyllic outside venues.

Enjoy all the comforts of home, plus so much more when you visit us at Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort.


联系人:神州半岛喜来登度假村 开业筹备处
联系地址:上海时代广场 1808 室 淮海中路 93 号 中国 上海

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